Greetings lost wanderer of the internets.
You have likely hit a wrong key,or have perhaps gone on a fantastical series of links to have eventually wound up at this site. Regardless of how it happened, you're here now. I welcome you.
In this blog I will attempt what very few have ventured before, and this will be focused around bringing an international audience to firsthanded-ly witness the sartorial choices that Winnipeggers make. Kind of like the website but with about a 73% chance you'll see some sort of crime being committed in the background.
Now, Winnipeggers know more than anyone else how our city is perceived to the outside world. I think the Simpsons summed it up nicely in an episode called Midnight Rx with this:
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And more recently, Winnipeg folk have become a regular, prominent feature on the website; which portrays a cast of characters looking something like this:
On The Dirty, our city has been affectionately coined DirtyPeg, possibly for valid reasons as demonstrated above.
HOWEVER! I hope to change this by contributing regular examples of real live Winnipeggers out and about and looking fashionable on this 'here blog. So, tune in as I show the world how we do have normal looking people sprinkled around in the heart of the Canadian continent.
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I will also be asking my victims where they bought their items of clothing so that you too can pretend like you're the next Carrie Bradshaw when you're stepping out into your respective version of the Big City (and/or its' less Big affiliates).
Anchors away!
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